Subject: diet and antioxidants
With or without exercise, it is relatively easy to loose weight on this structured diet using a sequencing from liquids into food groups, the food and strategy which provides better nutrition, kills candida albicans – a yeast related, opportunistic and competing organism - and promotes thermogenics. Thermogenics is metabolic increase using foods that lead to burning body fat (and/or where the food itself needs more energy to burn than the calories the food gives back to the body).
One will find this diet effective for youthful vigor, weight lose -if one wishes to use it for that purpose as the diet is a modified Fit-for-Life with Atkins. Atkins has little fruit and virtually no carbs, while "fit-for-life" suggests fruit AT BREAKFAST ONLY, but prohibits the inclusion at the same meal of proteins with carbohydrates, and prohibits eating after 7pm. Blood flow to the brain is better when one avoids eating proteins and carbohydrates at the same meal.
Again avoid all YEAST, including that in beer. Atkins book has an entire chapter on yeast and its impact on the body, mind and emotions. Stumbling on both his insights and mine may be liberating for the user of this diet and/or supplements.
Candida Albicans and its pathology
The yeast family organism by the name of candida albicans causes many health problems passed off as other problems. Candida Albicans, or “c Albicans” are a bane of the civilized world and contemporary life. While depriving and killing the candida albicans and perhaps parasites and other negative bacteria, the point of this structured food strategy using superior quality calories is optimal nutrition for one’s body and soul, and sense of well being.
Poor diet with insufficient amounts of non anti-biotic polluted red meat and/or B-12, excessive amounts of beer and alcohol, and insufficient exercise, sleep, sunshine promote candida proliferation. Candida cause cravings for, and the desire to ‘taste “Comfort food” such as bread/yeast, dairy, sweets, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and some of their chemical blow back signs are depression, PMS and cramps, phlegm, slow colon, sinus headaches and migraines (although regular migraines and bi-polar are from a parasite which has positioned itself on the hypothalamus and imparted its own chemical interference w/one’s brain chemistry).
Candida usually are the physiological root of cravings (as well as perhaps feeling fatigued, sleepy, depressed, depression, irritable and habits such as eating for 'comfort' or eating when depressed or nervous, lack of concentration/mental focus, cigarette smoking, craving for alcohol. When detoxing, sometimes I’ve gotten that skin-crawling-listlessness and occasional nausea which passes after a few hours, but is quite annoying while enduring it.
Candida albicans are ‘opportunistic’, which means they plume when the body’s run-down condition permits their proliferation. These organisms are negative and dysfunctional in the body, and will reduce one's vitality when simultaneously competing for proper nutrition against the beneficial bacteria in our bodies. The candida generally will proliferate over the good bacteria in one’s digestive tracts, UNLESS one takes proper nutrition and life style steps, as well as a separate supplement first thing in the morning and before meals, such as a lacto bacillus supplement. Lacto bacilius “LB” products such as All Flora (use if possible one without soy) , and Primadophilus bifidum, are effective. LB are important organisms although from foods such as yogurt, beets, carrots, radicchio one can find natural lacto bacillus.
Other Physiological blow back from yeast
Remember yeast is a living organism and spore. Yeast gunks up the liver with its own root system, causing the liver to render dirtier, thicker blood, while causing body odor and the other candida problems, etc. Eliminating yeast or sugar in the diet, generally eliminates body and scalp odor and the 'garlic on the breath' after used as a liver cleanse or cold remedy won't be so bad, but several cloves of chopped garlic in kefir (home made is best) and taken at night or first thing on an empty stomach is good for the liver and to get rid of colds.
On Children, Babies and their taste buds/desire for ‘sweets’ picky eating and colic:
If you ate sweets and indulged your Candida while you were pregnant, your children usually will be born with Candida Albicans. You can remedy this with cleaning up your diet while breast feeding although babies will be sensitive to the garlic and other quality anti-oxidant Candida killing qualities in your diet. This will cause them some gas until their Candida are killed. I am not certain if this takes a day, a week or a month, however avoid giving them formula from milk with the dairy anti-biotics especially if you are avoiding this yourself, avoid using soy based formulas as well as BigPharma formulas in general. If you are getting proper nutrition and vits/anti-oxidants, that will pass into breast milk. While they are growing, avoid foods with white refined sugar, sodas and other ‘juices’. Clean water and clean milk from non-antibiotic polluted livestock will be the better beverages for them with limited amounts of quality pure, non sweetened, juices not from concentrates. And if they’ve been given vaccines, make certain they get sufficient B vitamins, using baby vitamins that one can find at the better health food stores.
Diet suggestions and tips
THERE IS virtually NO PROCESSED FOOD ON THIS STRATEGY by going to a diet that is: yeast free, processed food free, white sugar -free, white refined flour free strategy, ie eliminating all foods with yeast, and all processed foods. There are Non Yeast breads sold at the better health food stores found in their freezer cases. One needs to read ingredients as yeast is found in saltines, most crackers and virtually all pretzels, so low fat or low sugar isn't always the issue, it's also a yeast issue and what feeds the yeast spores for reasons I explain.
There is no bread, or other yeast products, white sugar, or things made with white or brown sugar, or in general processed food, except matzo or similar cracker such as Ryevita. Further, eliminating virtually all white refined flour and white refined sugar mitigates cholesterol build-up and plaque in the circulatory system. White refined flour is bleached and bromated - this and white refined sugar gunk up the liver, and reduce efficiency in proper fat digestion and cholesterol 'development'/use.
As a result - use breads without yeast, sometimes, although even some slow rise and natural rise are with yeast, however, ask - known as 'slow rise' or 'natural sour' found in the better health food and sometimes better supper markets.. I would not recommend this and I have suffered when taking the risk on bakery 'slow rise' or natural sour bread except for ‘French Meadows’ brand found in freezer cases of the better, larger health food stores.
This Diet recommends grass-fed dairy and meat livestock, while avoiding feed lot cattle (most red meat and pork at this point unless labeling states other wise) processed meats, etc, hot dogs, sausages, and meat w/livestock medicines such as anti-biotics or growth hormones and processed/artificial smoked fish, farmed fish and all artificially smoked meat including ham. Avoid ‘pulled’ beef and pork, both which have vinegar.
The Diet recommends fresh fruits/vegs/ kefir, and eggs, and perhaps some occasional whole grains such as buckwheat or river rice, but NOWHERE NEAR THE CARBS AND/OR YEAST CURRENTLY FOUND IN MOST DIETS.
On Cholesterol
This diet has virtually no white refined sugar or white refined flour both which gunk up the liver and foul with clean cholesterol production that the body needs for itself for nervous system and proper brain nerve/chemistry function. Without what the body produces for itself that is clean, the body will ‘electrocute’ itself. The nerves in the muscles and brain need the proper cholesterol and clean fats (omega 3,6,9, vit e, unsaturated fats), so small amount of clean cholesterol one ingests via eggs and milk given the other foods on this diet mitigate bad cholesterol buildup. There are no triglycerides in any food on this diet, unless one eats processed food. The diet includes many fresh fruit and vegetables - grapefruit, fat burners, grass fed livestock while avoiding feed lot, hormone fed, dairy and livestock, including other items for metabolic increase and cruciferous vegetables all which counter any negative effects of clean cholesterol in the diet. REMEMBER this diet avoids all processed food, and triglycerides are found in THAT. Chicken and Eggs from poultry raised without anti-biotics or other pharma used on poultry on this diet are ok and perhaps the clean milk, which naturally have 'cholesterol'.
Avoid food cooked in or cooking in metal pots, pans - unless enamel or ceramic lined. Cook in oven/stove Pyrex or ceramic, or enamel lined cookware - Martha Stewart, corning, Pyrex, a French brand for enamel lined all are very good. AVOID ALUMINUM FOIL OR ALUMINUM OF ANY SORT NONE, NOT EVEN FAST FOOD CONTAINERS.... ASK FOR THE PLASTIC or paper take-out containers on this structured eating plan.
Avoid sweets and products of white sugar, processed food, yeast/bread, items with baking power especially those with include aluminum or phosphates**, SWITCH TO limited amounts of BAKING SODA AND IF POSSIBLE, substitute YOGHURT OR MOLASSES FOR THE ACID TO ACTIVATE THE SODA. I’ve done a great deal of baking however and actually one can avoid any leavening agents except cream of tarter or eggs and egg whites, unless the recipe doesn’t call for eggs. Most cookies and baked goods however call for leavening which can be eliminated from the recipe with very little negative impact and taste difference.
** Note on phosphorus, phosphates and oxalic acid foods which foul the circulatory system and kidneys. AVOID concentrations of these which one finds in baking powder, oats, fonio (an African grain), peanuts, cheese, poultry, colas but all man and naturally carbonated beverages are bad for oxygen flow in the muscles, spinach, coffee, chocolate, ‘black’ and ‘green’ tea. The candida love certain chemicals and the swelling is their allergic reaction. I also get this reaction from nitrates and nitrates in most smoked foods, smoked fish but not from naturally salty foods such as celery. I also suggest higher use of dandelion tea, dandelion herbal capsules, and dandelion greens which are effective in mitigating phosphorus concentrations.
This diet will generally fix circulation problems and high blood pressure, with the use of the l-carnitine to deal with fat buildup in the body, perhaps blood vessels. Generally, the diet will also eliminate fluid retention if one avoids the high phosphorous, high phosphate, and refined foods/refined sugars, vinegars, and avoids yeast/bread products generally avoiding what flares the candida albicans, when aggravated will produce fluid retention and stiffness in the joints due to the fluid retention.
Use some sea salt and/or ‘fish’ sauce, an Asian condiment found in Asian food stores. Avoid sodas-carbonated beverages, or coffee/tea as these will impair the proper function of the kidneys. Sometimes I chew bitter cola one can buy sometimes at West African stores but a ginseng supplement is also ok. Switch to Yerba Mate, a South American beverage found in many of the Latin and South American bodegas in New York.
Boil all milk although most people can handle any negative bacteria in organic dairy and dairy such as Farmland and Welch Farms. Boil Dairy in ceramic, Pyrex, Corningware or enamel lined stainless steel or enamel lined cast iron. Boil or cook all dairy before eating accept yogurt -plain is best, which actually should be home made... switch to Farmland or any other that says it does not use the PbST or the rBST hormone in the milk, or organic. Typically if farmers are avoiding using stimulant hormones, they also will avoid using dairy pharma/anti-biotics. The dairy anti-biotics cause serious problems such as disruption in the gut chemistry, skin lesions from their impact on the physiology as well as the eventual candida and parasitic build up in the digestive tract that will cause skin lesions and other deleterious conditions in the body, scalp/skin
To make ones own kefir (drinkable yoghurt): boil (to kill the bacteria - and if it's Farmland - watch it, however it shouldn’t boil over unless it's been cut with water) half gallon milk (better names such as Farmland, Parmalat Organic and this already has the bacteria killed, Welch Farms neither have the Pbst or rBst Hormone, or organic) in an enamel lined pot or boil in ceramic bowl in oven. Let cool to room temperature but leave in warm place like oven cooled down or on a pilot, unless already have a previous mixture and one is replenishing, then open 4 lacto bacillus capsules into cooled mixture and stir in and let sit overnight to 'yog'.... It will thicken and will get even thicker when cold. Have this with fruit, alone before in the mornings with the capsules, with other gut cleanse products when mixed with filtered water... or at night with chopped garlic or for tzatziki... It is a loose yogurt and can be used in place of butter milk, kefir! (or replace (clabbered) milk /use baking soda in baked goods and back with either milled dried cane juice, but no white refined sugar, and perhaps turbanado, molasses, honey, maple syrup, rice syrup, corn syrup - but this isn't the best thing to use as corn virtually always now is Genetically modified.
Condiments, Vinegar, and Legumes
While beginning and on this diet, one is killing the candida and other bad bacteria which actually cause the cravings (and one must eliminate the use of ) for sweet, vinegar, soy sauce, alcohol, etc as candida dwells in one's body, ears, nasal cavities, nose, mouth, brain (for cigarette smoke, which has sugar in the tobacco, and the brain craves it and the nicotine), so these negative organisms in their life cycle will die anyway, and as a result their life cycle crave sweets and other things that promotes their living.
This Diet also eliminates all SOY which is a legume on which the candida feed. I suggest also avoiding GMO foods such as non-organic corn, soybeans; virtually all corn and soybean product are from GMO. Soy is not native to the 'western' diet. Moreover, given its amino acid profile, as a protein Soy is inferior to fish or meat from grass fed livestock, and or organic poultry, however, if one eats those grains and legumes, go organic.
Avoid vinegar in general as the candida thrive on it. Vinegar gives me three or more days of fluid retention, and gurgling gut. One finds vinegar in most condiments. So avoid those and make your own mayonnaise and mustard. There are recipes for these and one can substitute lemon juice for vinegar. One will find Vinegar in virtually all ricotta and cottage cheeses, and of course in many cured and pickled foods, olives and yes without question virtually all bottled salad dressings. As a general diet clean-up, the diet avoids use of commercial mayonnaise (unless home made with lemon juice and olive oil), soy sauce, vinegar, mustard, catsup. And if you use them, you may have a swelling, fluid retention reaction.
The candida in the mouth are craving to taste sweet. If necessary, occasional use of something like a cough-drop – I used Riccola or Duane Reade Menthol, however feeding candida sweets promotes their continued aggravation in the body. So deny the spores their lust to proliferate their lifestyle at your expense, and bless yourself in the process. The more powerful and greater proliferation of their chemistry and pathology of these negative organisms in the body, mouth, tissues such as digestive tract, that chemistry's signal in our minds and mouths is to crave, feel sleepy, grouchy, PMS, depression, ... a number of different manifestations at different times...while the candida want to live and steal nutrition from the beneficial organisms and our bodies' needs.
Sequential eating
At a meal first have hot beverages such as herb tea or soups and then something like tomato juice. Then have the vegetables and/or fruit GENERALLY AT BREAKFAST ONLY, but after any capsule supplements that one takes. The new info on the capsules is that when from commercial cow bone gelatin, these have pollutants and MSG in them, optional - break open the capsules and put into kefir or vegetable juice before the meal.
After eating the fruit at breakfast, then vegetables, celery or cabbage, etc one would eat their carbohydrates or proteins. At breakfast last - eat hard boiled eggs (organic or Eggland's best, another quality name), as there is nothing in this diet to promote problems with the cholesterol in the eggs, one can eat as many eggs as one wants, although one should increase the use of garlic in the diet to cleanse the liver... All root vegetables used are organic if from the US ... where the most pesticides and polluting fertilizers are used. Avoid produce from Texas, where I'd heard there farms use human effluent for fertilizer. Human effluent, ie, human sewage is very polluted.\
Avoid eating carbohydrates and proteins at the same meal: proteins and carbohydrates, such as pasta or potatoes are not had at the same meal. Eat meat or proteins with vegetables and eat starches with vegetables.
OK: spices and herbs, fresh ground pepper, sea salt, are all fine, even 'fish sauce', olive and safflower, and perhaps canola oil are OK
OK Carbohydrates eaten occasionally and sequenced after vegetables: buckwheat, organic polenta or cracked corn, other whole grains such as millet, river rice, brown rice.
Avoid margarine. Use organic butter if possible, or butter from cows not fed the growth/milk production hormone which is hard to find and unless labeled that the farmers avoid the use of Pbst and rBST stimulant hormones – is hard to find. I generally only use (sweet) butter when I bake, and only occasionally when I cook ( also generally avoiding anything from cans, although I will eat canned WILD salmon that is very recent - you can tell by the date on the can the farther away the expiration date, the fresher the salmon).
Use grass fed meat, organic poultry or game and fowl that are known to be ok Murrays, Bell & Evans, buffalo, goat meat
Breakfast. It is better for the metabolism to have a decent morning meal. Start with hot Yerba mate beverage (or Wisdom of the Ancients 'tea' bags/boiled water) first, then fresh fruit - Green apples -peeled/cored unless organic but wash with soap and water and dry the surface of all fruit whether or not one is paring the fruit, citrus. And/or other fruit... option to include but not necessary although one will feel less hungry for longer and eggs are thermogenic: Hard boiled eggs, organic is best; OR oat meal, or hot cereal or grits that are unrefined with no white sugar or brown sugar.
Lunch: perhaps fruit first but rather veg juice before then steamed or raw, well washed with a vegetable wash to eliminate the pesticides unless organic (then washed anyway) fresh vegetables, either more clean protein such as plain yogurt of roasted goat or another sort of grass fed organic meat or - but not at the same meal if a pasta, brown rice, or another whole grained boiled/steamed like rice. Perhaps a baked potato not baked in foil AVOID ALUMINUM FOIL. AVOID STAINLESS STEEL AND ALUMINUM POTS AND PANS. PREFER ENAMEL LINED, OR CERAMIC.
Dinner: - perhaps veg juice before, then raw, steamed or sautéed vegetables, and clean protein or another complex carbohydrate. Nuts from the shell or raw nuts from the bulk bins are fine. Avoid salty, roasted, dry roasted... from the can or jar. Nuts and seeds between meals is ok although if dealing with phosphorus buildups, balance with dandelion greens and dandelion tea.
Other product tips, suggestions
Switch to glycerin soap or tea-tree oil and/or Grandpas pine tar soap when you can for face/scalp, and avoid detergents on your skin, etc. I also have begun to use Ivory Soap which is actually very effective to kill bacteria without additives and Kirks coconut-soap, or olive oil soap. Ammonia will cut the film on the bathtub and sink surfaces.
A special supplement for enzymes is key to improve the digestive process to extract complete nutrition in the food where the enzymes promote improved bio-availability for the body, head ... Go with the Vits first, and if purchased all at one time, the entire group can run between $400-$500.
1. Parazyme made by Renew Life, which makes the anti-parasitic I use for Digestive enzymes. Any good anti parasitic as above, Paragone, Parasitin, and any other good herbal anti parasitic will kill candida albicans, although there are also supplements to kill candida albicans. Parasites thrive in a chemistry of contamination...I have suffered from parasites at least Twice - a ruptured appendix (appendicitis is caused by a microscopic parasite behind the appendix), and at another point I passed an enteric parasite. So a diet low in processed foods, most hormone/antibiotic laced commercial dairy with is teaming with shigella and ecoli (organic is a little better), sweets, but high in garlic, onions, cruciferous vegetables diminish parasite aggravation
2. Nutribiotic - grapefruit seed extract +other astringent herbals and Parazyme by Renew life
3. Cloves and
4. Wormwood extract – both made by Q-W & Company
5. Sonnes' No7 treatment - it's a liquid that helps keep down negative bacteria in the lower digestive tract and very effective if interested on detox efforts and when fighting candida albicans. Very effective although I don’t use every day as others may and do. I use Sonne’s 7 occasionally when I am having blowback from ecoli/shigella. Another capsule known as “Perfect 7” also includes montmorilinite as well as lacto-bacilius.
6. Cleanse Smart by Renew Life, any other gut scrape/gut cleanse product such as the
Sonnes products used sparingly unless on an aggressive gut cleanse program
7. CoEnzyme Q10 at least 100 mcg daily. 300mg-400mg +
8. Vit C 4000 mgs to 10,000 mgs daily will kill decay in the teeth and roots as well as avoiding the commercial toothpastes with fluoride. Switch to the natural nonfluoride.
9. OPC- pycnogenol 100mgs or Pynogenol Complex, an excellent supplement but I am very sensitive to the green tea extract in it.... however, I am sensitive to the green tea extract in anything, so I generally avoid all supplements with green tea and anything with additional phosphate bonded elements such as calcium which is used to add ‘calcium’ unnecessarily while attempting to keep the anti-oxidant ingredients in the body for longer so the green tea acts to slow the function of the kidneys. One should take the tablet supplements after food and be certain to take enzymes to promote optimal digestive function to extract optimal nutrition from the supplements for the body's and brain's use.
10. OPC -Grape Seed Extract 100mgs, or bilberry
11. Vit E - at least 400mgs daily at least unless very active, on a low fat diet and on fat burners such as L-Carnitine, then use 800mgc to 1200mgs. Carleson’s has some great E and other Fat soluable products.
12. Super Lysine Plus (this is the name of the product) made by Quantum\ except for the Tricalcium phosphate in this, which I find a problem
13. Use very good multivitamins such as SuperNutrition Brand
14. Vit C 5000mgs-10,000mgs Rainbow Light brand
15. Vit B complex Solgar Megasorb
16. Germanium Sequioxide
17. Oil of evening primrose, is better than borage or flax seed which aren’t bad
18. fish oil capsules – Solgar’s or Krill or Nordic Naturals Complete Omega 3-6-9
19. Green drink/tablets of spirulina and chlorella - Green Energy by Super Nutrition. or Earthrise Spirulina Greens blend Or E3AFA is another good green product
20. lacto bacilius supplement often found in the refrigeration case or on the shelf in PB8 or Kyodophilus or All Flora or Country Life’s Daily Dophilus without the soy. Excellent reasonably priced product
21. royal bee jelly and bee pollen. YS and Burts are very good
22. fat burner such as l- carnitine a safe supplement, although you will need to take extra Vit E which is the nerve cushion/fat soluble vitamin... if on fat burners and low fat diet, will need more Vit E to protect the nerves and prevent 'self electrocution' when the nerves emit electro chemicals in order to make the muscles function and if that process is impaired by 'free radical' build up and nerve cushion problems from insufficient E, then in the tissues that remains and muscles are further polluted with more body and environmental pollution.
23. a good garlic supplement - Garlicin and any of the others are fine or a garlic w/selenium supplement
23 a) Kyolic “108” and “106”. Very good garlic supplement
any good ginseng supplement and other thermo genic supplements such as cayenne, etc
24. Colostrum and permutations of colostrum
25. Cayenne - any good name... to kill negative bacteria in digestive tract and heart cavity.... also very good for metabolism.
26. Nature’s Way Urinary Plus Cranberry and other Nature’s Way herbal combinations are very good. Nature’s Way also has Dandelion capsules and other combinations with dandelion such as Leg Veins.
27. E3AFA Blue green algae. Or Earthrise, Supergreens and more as mentioned above
Linda Page- Healthy Healing,
Hulda Clark - The Cure for All Diseases,
Any good book on nutrition, anti oxidants and organic foods.
Health and Harmony (listed with information in New York, NY on Hudson Street below Grove in the West Village By phone: 212 691 3036/fax 212 691 0855) in Manhattan. One can order via phone.
The Proprietor is Ramsy and his mother, Byoul, or other management such as Tarique will take your order and ship I think UPS or USPS, and tell them if you order from them that I recommended the store to you. If you order a fair amount, he probably will give you some sort of discount although I cannot promise that. His prices are reasonable however, and if you shop there regularly and in abundance, he sometimes omits charge for some small items.
The antioxidant/supplements are not a cheap part of the strategy, however, the food part of the strategy is generally inexpensive - processed food usually costs more than unprocessed food so in the short and long run, even if one is switching in some cases to organic, one is spending a better quality dollar than for what was previously spent for and wasted on processed food. Read the Gospels for the interaction of the Lord and the people when they needed healing and wholeness. Notice that the Levitical diet in that was what people used. Food in that era was either ‘clean’ adhering to Levitical law or unclean. There was no processed food or BigPharma anti-biotics and other BigPharma drugs used on the people unlike today. Although people are sick and infirmed from sin and iniquity/sins of the fathers and lawlessness then as well as today, today people make their lives worse via sedentary life style, processed food and bigPharma, medtech/mengele medical profession corruption and pollution. The US medical system is a volume based revenue model. This means that the more people ignorated to fall in and remain in it are the way the system makes money and self-enriches. The Lord is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. And in seeking Him one gains wisdom and understanding. One also gains faith to trust Him for better quality of life and health, however one also can avoid the medtech system and its operating strategy with the Lord and better nutrition and life style choices.
I have only gotten 'flu' when I have had some sort of infection or had eaten junk food and came into contact with cold germs. Once I’d gotten flu when I had a bad tooth infection that later needed root canal, which happened after my dentist had forgotten to deal with a bad cavity and my diet had trended into junk during the holidays and insufficient exercise, not enough antioxidants. Everyone else with that flu, however lost a week of work in bed while in my case with my constitution generally better, I had the 'bad cold'/cough.
This diet will prevent (assuming clean personal habits, not living near or on a toxic waste dump or major polluter, and no pets - pets often have parasites and in general make it more difficult to prevent in ones environment bacteria from pet fecal matter), reverse cavities and with the coQ10 in large amounts; fix gall bladder problems - as long as one doesn't overeat or eat food from animals polluted with anti-biotics and Bigpharma livestock pharma, do polluted dairy and put pressure on a problemed gall bladder, and generally it will also prevent gout. It will hinder if not prevent arthritis (the strategy uses clean fats and avoids the heavy metals from the cookware, other sources which the negative bacteria in the body and joints find useful for thriving in the anaerobic environment) and other auto immune illnesses.
Bless the Lord!
Clean, grass fed livestock and cooking things such as goatmeat
Roasted Goat or any other game or grass fed livestock- clean, grass fed meat... unless using organic: US cattle, US lamb, US pork, buffalo, 'hacked' or goat shoulder the shank cut in half, or whole is one is going to roast it on a spit or in a large oven but otherwise cut to fit the cookware....
Clean fat from meat, cut off while cold as it is easier to remove the fat from the meat while it is cold. Fill bowl with filtered water or bottled water, and if one is concerned about bacteria, immerse in a mixture of a few fluid ounces of peroxide (mixed w/ or w/o cheap vodka as an even more effective disinfectant) and filtered water, disinfect the meat letting the bacteria bubble/be killed. Then rinse in fresh filtered water either in bottle of from filter on tap (NON FLUORIDATED) and drain off the water.
Add chopped after washing, dry jalopeno pepper washed with soap and hot water and towel dry, organic onions, bulb garlic, organic carrots washed in filtered water chop all the above and in a large enamel lined casserole with lid, or Dutch oven with lid or ceramic cookware with lid, or enamel lined roasting pan with lid. Herb/spice, and if one wishes, add cleaned vegetables, and add some filtered water in the bottom of the pot, more for 'soup', less or none for roasted meat, then bake with lid on the pot at 350 for approx 2 hours
Editorial Thoughts on Nanotech, cloning and psychotronics:
The body along with enzymes can properly absorb the anti oxidants without the nano tech. God didn't do nano tech. I agree that those who misuse the technology are the enemy. It's the argument - guns don't kill people; people kill people. Do I want to program the gun to become HAL? No. This is where nano tech is going. \
Partly like cloned cows/cattle for milk and meat. We've got plenty, why clone something God did just fine? if one takes responsible care of their livestock they can breed the good ones without the problems, but they inbreed, give them hormones, make them sick, give them anti-biotics, and this is the pathetic food supply they attempt to feed to us.
Note on genetics: there are 12 variations on a gene. The knowledgeable genetic scientists don’t want YOU to know this. What is considered a genetic defect often is a genetic variation that is perhaps yet to be known to exist and not a defect, however, this is the new eugenics and the science shamans are using every ploy and deceit, knowingly or unknowingly to deceive the ordinary and trusting person. A great deal of the current bio, bio-chem, genetic, and med is 4rth Reich-controlled or subsequent to what the nazi doctors found before and during WWII. Many of these scientists we sanctuaried here at our top institutions, Rockefeller U, big Pharma, Big Med, top universities. Trust little of what they say and promote. Watch when big corporate interests are pushing soy, and apply the same skepticism to virtually everything else coming out of military-industrial complex America and science (shaman)/medtech/think-tank America.
I had dental work done to replace fillings, many of which were old and breaking. The dentist used the composite resin bonds to “cap” teeth, although be careful if your profession is something sophisticated such as investment banking or law, or science. The intelligence apparatus had my dentist use a root canal that had a surveillance implant it. The psychotronics at this point are fairly sophisticated, and more advanced than “MK Ultra” illegal implants in people that the CIA were experimenting using invasive, insidious technology in the 1950s-1970s. Through it, the US intelligence apparatus which has turf on ‘wall street’ and elsewhere in American society, will espionage information and cause other problems in your life. Although your dentist may seem trustworthy, I suggest you get a circular X-ray of your teeth before and after any major dental surgery. If your dentist that if he/she implants you with any sort of unwelcomed technology, aside from switching dentists, you may have to go to your state attorney general with the X-Rays as well as other consumer protection boards in your city/state.
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